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我们和白俄罗斯龙头生产者有密切合作,我们的产品直接由龙头白俄罗斯生产者交付。 我们的产品均安全,且有质量保证。我们的产品生产友好环保,绝对安全。 交付产品时,我们可以为我们的合作伙伴提供任何一种交付方式。客户可以快速订购我们的产品,并且在短的时间内接收货物。 我公司位于阿联酋,并在阿联酋境内执行公司各种活动。商品从白俄罗斯共和国境内发货给我们的客户时,会有我们公司的专业人员参与。 Primary activity of the company - export supply of the powdered fat-free, whole milk and condensed milk, and also other food made in Republic of Belarus. The geography of our deliveries includes all countries of the world. Thanks to close cooperation we carry out only direct deliveries of goods from leading enterprises - producers of Republic of Belarus. Our goods are a quality guarantee and safety. Our goods are the production received from environmentally friendly, absolutely sa... [详细介绍/Details] |